Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wartime Radio Talks of Thomas Mann


  • The Wartime Talks of Thomas Mann by Thomas Kues

  • An expanded Blog Notes (Smith's Journal)

  • Oliver Stone: A One-Man Conspiracy against Censorship? by Jett Rucker

  • The Inquisitional Torture of Jehovah's Witnesses by Ed Edman

Thomas Mann

Thomas Mann

Wartime Radio Talks of Thomas Mann
and the Genesis of the Mass-Gassing Allegations

by Thomas Kues

Thomas Mann (b. 1875) is one of the best known German writers of the 20th century, famous for, among others, the novels Buddenbrooks, Tonio Kröger, Death in Venice and The Magic Mountain. In 1905 he married Katia Pringsheim, a Jew. In 1929 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Already before the rise of the National Socialists to power Mann had been a vocal opponent of their politics, and in 1933he went into exile. From 1938 until 1952 he lived in the United States, from where he moved to Switzerland after having been accused of being a Stalin apologist and summoned to testify before the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Mann died in Zürich in 1955. (READ MORE)

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Smith's Report #175

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