Sunday, September 19, 2010

BraveHeart: "Lecturer Of Truth" [1 Attachment]

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From: braveheart <>
Date: Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 1:39 AM
Subject: "Lecturer Of Truth"

Response to a critic.



A Mr. Joseph Welch of has frequently accused this writer of distorting historical facts, in particular of falsely describing Communism as a Jewish movement. He accuses this writer of lacking proper academic credentials and of not having his writings subjected to "peer review. He then concludes that the Jewish Communist charge is bogus and that those who advocate it are intellectual charlatans, not to be listened to. Mr. Welch is inordinately proud of his own credentials as a university lecturer. He therefore reasons that he possess a wisdom above that of those who merely reason from facts to sustainable conclusions. Thus, Joseph Welch flies the PhD. of stupidity as the flag of his own invincible ignorance.  

When this writer posted excerpts from a State Department document entitled "The Power and Aims of International Jewry" Mr. Welch's response was to deny the authenticity of the document. At the same time he was denouncing this writer for failure to do archival research, he was supremely unaware of an actual archival document bearing on the very topic he was denying, the connection of Jews with Communism. Homer Lea once wrote a book, "The Valor of Ignorance". He was hardly thinking of Joseph Welch, although the appellation could hardly be better placed. Just to show how incredibly ignorant and uninformed Joseph Welch is, we shall quote in extenso from a volume entitled "Dark Times, Dire Consequences: Jews and Communism", edited by Jonathan Frankel and Dan Diner and published in 2004 by Oxford University Press as part of the "Studies in Contemporary Jewry" series. This volume contains a wealth of information on just how deep and world wide the Jewish connection with Communism once was. We shall begin with the introduction on pp. 9-10. 

"Beyond these questions involving empirical historiography, there remains the ethical issue of collective responsibility. Given that, at some times and in some places, Jews were disproportionately involved in the massive crimes committed by the Communist regimes in Europe (emphasis added), did they in the process morally 'contaminate' the Jewish people as a whole? Did they act solely as individuals whose origins happened to be Jewish or was there a linkage, however construable, between their Jewish extraction, their Communism, and their participation in atrocities?" 

"If, for no other reason, this question cannot be avoided because the argument is so often made in Eastern Europe today (in Poland and Lithuania, for example) that the large number of Jews within the Soviet security agencies who took a leading role in the years 1939-1941 both in the deportation of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims to the deadly Siberian labor camps and in numerous executions – and, by so doing, opened the way to acts of vengeance visited on the Jewish people by their Gentile neighbors from the moment the Red Army was forced back by the Wehrmacht. If, for example, the entire Polish people is to be held in some way responsible for the Jedwabne massacre carried out by Polish villagers, does it follow that the Jewish people should share in the guilt incurred by the murderous acts of Jewish NKVD/MVD operatives?" 

Let us examine these paragraphs closely. They admit the basic fact denied by university lecturer Joseph Welch. Jews were disproportionately involved in Communism – and there is indeed an issue of Jewish collective guilt. This is admitted by two world class Jewish scholars – but denied by their intellectual superior – university lecturer Joseph Welch. Now let us proceed to various choice quotations that document the Jewish involvement Joseph Welch denies. In his essay, "Jews and the Communist Movement in Interwar Poland" Jaff Schatz of the Institute for Jewish Culture, Lund writes, pp.20-21: 

"As previously suggested, throughout the interwar period, Jews did constitute one important segment of the Communist movement. According to both Polish sources and Western estimates, the proportion of the Jews in the KPP was never lower than 22 per cent countrywide, reaching a peak of 35 per cent (in 1930). According to some available data, the level of Jewish members of the Communist movement then dropped to no more than 24 per cent for the remainder of the decade. Other data, however, indicate that Jewish involvement actually went up in the large cities; in Warsaw, for example, Jewish membership rose from 44 per cent in 1930 to more than 65 per cent in 1937. In the semi-autonomous KPZU and KPZB, the percentage of Jewish members was similar to that in the KKP. The number and proportion of Jewish members in the youth movements was even higher, ranging from 31 per cent to a high of 51 per cent." 

"Working on the assumption that Polish Jewish Communists constituted between a quarter and a third of the Communist movement during the 1930's, the total of Polish Jewish Communists (including youth group members but excluding political prisoners) ranged between 5,000 and 8,400. If prisoners are included, the numbers range between 6,200 and 10,000. In addition, Jews comprised the overwhelming majority of the legal front organizations, the Polish-based International Organization for Help to the Revolutionaries (MOPR)…which collected money for and channeled assistance to imprisoned Communists. In 1932, out of 6,000 members of the MOPR, about 90% were Jews." 

"Perhaps even more significant was the Jewish representation among the Communist leadership. Although party authorities consciously strove to promote classically proletarian and ethnically Polish members to become leaders and party functionaries, Jews accounted for 54 per cent of the field leadership of the KPP in 1935 and 75 per cent of the party'stechnika – those responsible for producing and distributing propaganda materials. Communists of Jewish origin also organized a majority of the seats on the Central Committees of both the…KPRP and the KPP." 

Here, once again, we have a clear factual rebuttal of university lecturer Joseph Welch, who trumpets his credentials to the world while ignoring readily available secondary source literature which proves him wrong. Mr. Welch needs less peer review and more old fashioned objectivity to temper his thinking. Now let us examine what Istvan Deak says in his essay "Jews and Communism: The Hungarian Case". On p.38 he writes: 

"Jews, or rather, persons of Jewish origin but not of the Jewish religious persuasion, occupied decisive positions in the Hungarian Communist Party and, in general, the Hungarian socialist movement. Moreover, because the Communist party was in power in Hungary for 133 days in 1919 and again, roughly, from 1947 to 1989, it is no exaggeration to say that political personalities of Jewish origin played a decisive role in 20th-century Hungary." 

"To take matters a step further, one can state with confidence that Jews held a near monopoly of political power in Hungary during the 133 days of the Soviet republic in 1919 and again from, roughly, 1947 to 1955, and then again from 1955 to the fall of 1956. Because nowhere else in Europe did persons of Jewish origin ever share in such large numbers in similar long-term dictatorial power, it is clear that Hungary's was a unique situation…" 

"The truth was that it was of very great consequence from the point of view of Hungarian, Jewish and Communist history that Bela Kun and the dozens of others people's commissars who dominated the Hungarian republic of Soviets in 1919 were of Jewish origin. Or as an American historian has put it: 'The Jews were highly visible in the revolutions of Russia and Germany; in Hungary, they seemed omnipresent.'" 

Thus, Joseph Welch is condemned as an ignoramus on the basis of Jewish admissions alone. What sort of university lecturer is it who has not consulted the most basic of facts while trumpeting his "wisdom" to his students? Turning now to Gennady Estraikh's essay, "The Yiddish Language Communist Press" we read on p.66: 

"In the 1920's and 1930's, millions of people, including a considerable number of Jews outside of Russia, revered Moscow as the future capital of a just and democratic civilization. Yiddish Communism formed a distinct subculture in the international Communist movement, being overseen, in one way or another, by the apparatus of the Comintern, the Communist International…regardless of their country of domicile, the Communists of East European vintage represented a relatively homogeneous group of people who were devoted to the Soviet Union – that faraway proletarian fatherland…Through the blur of distance, time, and utopian expectations, the Soviet Union became a dream land of freedom and equality. Many Jewish Communists went so far as to regard themselves as 'Soviet foreigners', to borrow a term provided by Hirsh Bloshtein, an Argentinian and later Soviet Yiddish poet." 

And what says Joseph Welch to these amazing admissions of international Jewish sympathy for Bolshevism? Why, he doesn't. In his mind, Jewish admissions of guilt equal "Nazi propaganda".  

In his essay "The Moscow State Yiddish Theater as a Cultural and Political Phenomenon" Jeffrey Veidlinger writes: 

"Soon after the revolution of 1917, the Communist Party in Russia realized that in order to create a base of support among the non-Russian minority nations, it would need to encourage the communication of Soviet ideals in local languages and discourses. Thus, Bolshevik thinkers and activists created Communist literary unions, films, and theaters in the languages of the minority nations. The hope was that these institutions would provide effective Communist education, such that national distinctions and aspirations would eventually be replaced by a supranational class consciousness. It was in this context that the Communist party, and particularly its 'Jewish section', (Evsektsiia), supported the establishment and promotion of Yiddish theater. The Evsektsiia believed that theater, with its mass appeal and revolutionary associations could reach working-class Jews in a way that no other medium could." (p.84) 

Ezra Mendelsohn provides further evidence of the Jewish involvement in revolutionary art in his essay "Jews, Communism, and Art in Interwar America". He writes: 

"All this provides ample evidence for the existence of large numbers of left-wing Jewish artists in interwar America. The substantial Jewish presence on the left was, of course, nothing new – Jews had been prominent in the European and American socialist movements before the First World War and in the wake of the Russian Revolution, many had joined the Communist movement. During the 1920's, the American Yiddish-language Communist daily newspaper, Di Frayhayt  (later Morgen frayhayt) had a larger readership than did the English language equivalent, The Daily Worker, while at least one third of the members of the Central Committee of the party were Jews." (p.100) 

At least three prominent Communist cartoonists of the Depression era were Jews, Louis Lozowick, William Gropper and Hugo Gellert. Mendelsohn concludes his essay with the following amazing words: 

"…the alliance of some Jews with Communism has much to tell us about a central dilemma in modern Jewish life: that of finding one's way between the utopian, messianic, and often dangerous urge to change the world, on the one hand, and the natural wish to identify with one's own people, with its sufferings and achievements, on the other. Whether or not they explicitly acknowledged it, American Jewish artists' choice in favor of the former alternative was, at least in some ways, a Jewish choice." (p.127) 

As always, the erudite Joseph Welch, confronted with these and similar damning admissions on the debate site, has nothing to offer by way of rebuttal. He can only snarl about lack of peer review and published articles (publication in The Nationalist Times obviously does not count). It would be idle to continue quoting from "Dark Times, Dire Consequences". If the above does not suffice to convince, further quotations would hardly reinforce the already established. "Dark Times, Dire Consequences" is only one of dozens of research volumes establishing the truth of Jewish Communism beyond any reasonable doubt. Joseph Welch, a minor figure on campus, is of no consequence himself. But he is an all too typical example of the intellectual corruption of the academy. As a lecturer, he is entrusted with the education of the students. Yet he cannot even educate himself on a suppressed truth he dare not face. Mr. Welch's intellectual cowardice on the dread subject of Jews and Communism typifies the intellectual cowardice of the professors who employ him. These professors also quail before the reality of Jewish Communism, just as they run in terror from technologically impossible "gas chambers", a kangaroo court at Nuremberg and six million "lost and found". Recently a major university in Canada was threatened with the loss of a large yearly donation by a Jew irate over a little objective examination of the state of Israel's odious policies. The university quickly back tracked. That is the reality of intellectual freedom on campus. The brave and intrepid seekers after truth on campus, secure in their ivory towers, know who signs their paychecks. They may insult the values of their students and their parents, but they bow down before Zion. That is why, like Joseph Welch, they deny the most firmly established facts to be found in their own reference volumes, while genuflecting before missing ashes.  


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