Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Break Gaza blockade by air


Group says it will break Gaza blockade by air
September 6, 2010

JERUSALEM (JTA) -- A pro-Palestinian group says it will break Israel's blockade of Gaza by flying a planeload of aid into the coastal strip.

The U.S.-based Free Palestine Movement said on its website that it will "raise the ante and challenge the Israeli blockade of Gaza by air."

Gaza airspace can be entered without overflying Israeli or Egyptian territory, the website announcement said. 

"Breaking the blockade by air may be even more feasible than by sea. An aircraft cannot be boarded while in flight, and the right aircraft can land almost anywhere in Gaza," the website said in an apparent reference to Israel's interception of the organization's Gaza-bound flotilla at the end of May. Nine passengers were killed during violence that erupted when Israeli commandos boarded a Turkish ship.

The group reportedly has been raising funds in order to charter a plane that can land without a runway. 



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