Sunday, September 19, 2010

BraveHeart: The "Persecution" of the Jews in Soviet Russia [1 Attachment]

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From: braveheart <>
Date: Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 2:18 AM
Subject: The "Persecution" of the Jews in Soviet Russia



The amount of information coming out of university presses on the flourishing of Jewish culture in the early Soviet Union, meaning the 1920's and 1930's, is amazing. The latest example is "Jewish Renaissance in the Russian Revolution" by a professor Kenneth Moss. Professor Moss is emphatic that the Russian revolution allowed Yiddish culture to flourish in the former Czarist Empire. The Jewish religion was suppressed but anti-Semitism was proscribed, job opportunities for Jews in the Soviet bureaucracies were everywhere and Yiddish was recognized as an "official" national language. A vast publishing industry in Yiddish flourished under the Soviet regime with major publishing centers existing in Kharkov, Minsk and Moscow. All this Communist Yiddish publishing attracted a vast return to the Soviet Union of Communist Yiddish scribes from abroad. Moshe Olgin from the United States and David Bergelsen from Berlin were good examples. Communist Jews from Argentina and Brazil were also among the returnees. 

The Soviet Union in those days was regarded more or less as the Messiah of Jewish aspirations world wide. This thesis is acknowledged not just by Jewish scholars like Moss, Gennady Estraikh and David Schneer, but also by well-informed journalists like the Englishman Geoffrey Wheatcroft in his book, "The Controversy of Zion". Communism, in the pre-World War Two days, was "good for the Jews". One indication of just how popular Communism was with the Jews is that in the 1920's the circulation of the Yiddish language "Morning Freiheit" newspaper exceeded the readership of the English language "Daily Worker". Even in the late 1940's/early 1950's the circulation of the "Freiheit" and the "Daily Worker" was roughly equal. Jewish culture also flowed to the Hollywood film industry where the Hollywood Communist Party was over 50% Jewish. These preachers of proletarian culture wrote in English rather than Yiddish but their message was the same. The Soviet Union was very popular with the Hollywood "in crowd" the same way that the Soviet Union was very popular with the Yiddish literati. It would be difficult to distinguish "Song of Russia" and "Mission to Moscow" from the paeans of praise to Communism by Peretz Markesh, Itzhik Fevel, Chaim Bialik, Dir Nister, Leyb Kivitko, Moshe Litvikov and others.  

Today, Jews have conned people into thinking that the Soviet Union persecuted Jews. Anyone who believes this should read Eugene Lyons classic work "The Red Decade". The reader will find Jewish name after Jewish name among the well-wishers of Soviet Communism. The investigations of Senator Joseph McCarthy also dragged into the open a plethora of Jewish names with Communist connections. Yet despite seventy years of Marxist agitation, 1880-1950, Jews have buried the past and convinced the world that Communism was an anti-Jewish movement. The dread figure of Joseph Stalin and the rise of the state of Israel have played a key role in this historical reversal of provable facts. Today Stalin is remembered as the man who purged "rootless cosmopolitans" at the end of his political career. But he is not remembered as the man who appointed one Jew after another to do his killing, 1930-1950. Thus, the "anti-Semitic" Stalin appointed Jews like Simon Firin, Mattvei and Boris Berman, Gregory Afanasjew, Eugene Kogon, Isaac Rottenberg, Moishe Trilliser, Aaron Solts, Lev Inzhir, Gregory Zhuk, Naftaly Frenkl, Leonard Reichmann, Herschel Yehuda and many others, to run his dread secret police and murderous gulag system. When he invaded Eastern Europe after World War Two, his "willing executioners" were Jacob Berman and Hersh Smolar in Poland, Hilda Benjamin and Marcus Wolf in East Germany, Rudolf Slansky in Czechoslovakia, Ana Pauker in Rumania and a quartet of Jews in Hungary, Matyas Rakosi, Ernest Gero/Singer, Joseph Revai/Moses Kahane and Michael Fakas/Benjamin Auschpitz. The secret police in all three countries were 75% Jewish. 

The rise of the state of Israel has further complicated the Jewish Communist connection. Israel, in the public mind, is identified with anti-Communism. But that is a distortion of the facts. The Soviet Union and the Zionist state had much in common ideologically. The basic issue was whether Communism was to be established in Palestine or Russia. Competent scholars all agree that the left wing Zionists were all ideologically closely related to the Russian Marxists. During the 1920's and 1930's there was considerable traffic between the Jewish Communist agricultural colonies in the Crimea on the north shore of the Black Sea and the Labor Zionist colonies in British Mandatory Palestine. Red Jews moved constantly between the two locations, under the watchful eyes of the suspicious British authorities. Stalin originally supported the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, hoping to create a Jewish Communist ally of the Soviet Union. The Soviets allowed the transfer of Czech airplanes to the Zionists in the 1948 war. Those Stalinists hopes were dashed in 1953 when David Ben Gurion, himself a Marxist, aligned Israel with the United States to gain access to the wealth of Diaspora Jewry. Today, Soviet ideological opposition to Zionism is used to promote the myth of Soviet anti-Semitism. As William Mandel and many other authorities have shown, Jews lived very well in the Soviet Union long after they had ceased to be the leading commissars. They heavily dominated the professions, particularly law, medicine and engineering, and dominated the Soviet computer and military technology industries. The Soviet authorities of course attempted to prevent them from going to Israel, which would have constituted a "brain drain" on Soviet society. 

Such are the facts on the rise and slow decline of the Jews under the Communist system they largely created and controlled. These facts show the real Jewish connection to Communism, a subject that is distorted for many reasons of political manipulation. This brief survey covers the essential facts devoid of the distortion, in the hope of laying bare the truth about the Jewish involvement in history's greatest crime.   


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