Sunday, September 19, 2010

Germar Rudolf (born October 29, 1964 in Limburg an der Lahn) is a German chemist and Holocaust revisionist

Germar Rudolf

Germar Rudolf

Germar Rudolf (born October 291964 in Limburg an der Lahn) is a German chemist and Holocaust revisionist. A German court has declared Rudolf a Holocaust denier.[1]




After finishing secondary education in 1983 in Remscheid, Rudolf studied chemistry in Bonn, completing his studies in 1989. As a student, he joined A.V. Tuisconia Königsberg zu Bonn and K.D.St.V. Nordgau Prag zu Stuttgart. Both are Catholic fraternities belonging to the Cartellverband der katholischen deutschen Studentenverbindungen. He was also a temporary member of Die Republikaner, a German right-wing party.

Finishing PhD postgraduate studies after his military service, he was temporarily employed at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research inStuttgart, beginning in October 1990. During this time he wrote a paper, titled "Report on the formation and verifiability of cyanide compounds in theAuschwitz gas chambers" on behalf of the Düsseldorf attorney Hajo Herrmann, a former Luftwaffe pilot holding the rank of Oberst. In 1993, Rudolf was expelled from the Max Planck Institute for his unauthorised use of the institute's name to get samples analysed that were taken from the gas chamber sites at Auschwitz and Birkenau. He sued unsuccessfully against the decision.

Herrmann used Rudolf's paper in the defense of Otto Ernst Remer, a former Luftwaffe official charged with incitement of hatred, a criminal offense in German law. Rudolf was not immediately aware of whom his work became associated with publically. Nevertheless, in this paper, the Rudolf Report, Rudolf reports on having collected samples of the alleged gas chambers' brickwork in the Auschwitz concentration camp, finding only small traces of cyanide compounds in the wall's remainders.[1]

In 1995, Rudolf was expelled from the Catholic fraternaties on grounds of having violated his fraternity's principles by questioning the Holocaust.

Legal consequences: Escape, Deportation and Imprisonment

In 1994, Rudolf was sentenced to 14 months in prison by the district court of Tübingen because of the "Rudolf Report", as Holocaust denial is a crime inGermany. Rudolf avoided prison by fleeing to Spain, England and finally to Chicago, USA. There, he applied for political asylum, but his request was denied.

Meanwhile, criminal investigation continued in Germany. In August 2004, the district court of Mannheim distrained a bank account holding about €200,000. Rudolf and his associates had earned this money by selling so-called Holocaust denying publications.

On September 11, 2004, Rudolf married a US citizen, and took her name, Scheerer, until the two divorced. Nevertheless, his request for asylum was turned down in November of that year on the basis that his application was "frivolous". On October 19, 2005, Rudolf was arrested and deported to Germany on November 15. There on arrival, he was arrested by police authorities and transferred to a prison in Stuttgart-Stammheim in Baden-Württemberg. On March 15, the Mannheim District Court sentenced Germar Rudolf to two years and six months in prison for inciting hatred, disparaging the dead, and libel. Rudolf as well as the prosecution accepted the verdict. Rudolf's "Lectures on the Holocaust" will be withdrawn.[1]


After Rudolf left the Max Planck Institute, he started to publish several books on Holocaust denial. Rudolf founded Castle Hill Publishers in Hastings, England. Furthermore, he is closely associated with the Belgian revisionist organization Vrij Historisch Onderzoek (VHO).

Dissecting the Holocaust

Dissecting the Holocaust was edited and coauthored by Rudolf under the nom de plume Ernst Gauss, in order to avoid arrest. The German language publication with the title Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte was made illegal in Germany. Police raided the publisher, printer, editor, distributors, wholesalers, and even multi-copy purchasers. A judge ordered in 1995 that all copies be confiscated and burned. This title resulted in further indictments being filed against Rudolf. Among the contributors to the work are other Revisionist scholars such as Professor Robert FaurissonJürgen GrafCarlo MattognoUdo Walendy and Friedrich Paul Berg. Included as an appendix is a defense of the work used at the trial by historian, Joachim Hoffmann.[1]


In his own writings, Rudolf describes how, as a student, he first doubted the credibility of those who spoke of the "Auschwitz bludgeon against the political right." Rudolf states that he thought they could not be trusted, because he felt that they were "extremists with dishonest intentions." However, he soon encountered the memory of the Holocaust being used against his own affiliations and himself directly:

"Certainly in the beginning of my second involvement with the Republikaner, I was repeatedly confronted with the use of the 'Auschwitz bludgeon' used against both 'my' party and myself. I have mentioned above the scandalous question of the journalist after the Berlin election, a question which was used continually to suggest that the Republikaner — after they had seized power — intended to 'gas' the Turkish immigrants residing in Germany."

Rudolf states that there are four reasons for his research:

1. "Because of my upbringing, I felt bad merely for doubting. I knew something was wrong with a society when it instills guilt-feelings in its members simply because they dissent. The Holocaust is the one area, and almost the only area, where one is admonished to accept facts blindly; not to think critically. We are taught to question practically everything else, even that which is kept in high regard, such as the reality of God, or sexual intimacy. We are primed to be docile subjects and kept fearful of any transgressions with respect to the Holocaust. That angered me then and it angers me still."

2. "Because of my doubts, my entire outlook on life became unstable. I was no longer certain what was correct or incorrect, who lied and who told the truth. The eternal conflict of good and evil was revived in me. The question where the truth could be found concerning the Holocaust was so important, that I knew I could only recover my peace of mind by finding out for myself, personally, where the truth lay. I wanted to rid myself of uncertainty one way or the other."

3. "There is no scientific area in which those who hold dissident opinions are persecuted more mercilessly by the 'ruling order' than that of revisionism. That is probably why most people don't want to touch it, and most avoid it by convincing themselves that the subject is not relevant to current problems. But for me, this draconian persecution is the best proof there is that this is a crucial subject, because the powers that be regard it as most important that nobody touches this taboo. Comprehensive and critical research in this area is therefore very important for scientific, political and social reasons."

4. "The treatment of revisionism and its proponents in areas of science, journalism, politics and law is a scandal worldwide—it demands redress."


In Dissecting the Holocaust he makes it clear that he considers himself to be on the political right, but he has made no declaration beyond his stated conservatism.

In the book Dissecting the Holocaust, for which he has been imprisoned,[1] he writes as follows: "It must be said here and now that none of the authors contributing to the present work considers himself ideologically anywhere in the vicinity of National Socialism." He has this to say in his discussion of the political responsibilities of Holocaust revisionists:

"It ought therefore to be the foremost concern of moderate politics to see to it that the discussion about the Holocaust spreads to social circles other than radical or extremist ones, so that any potential consequences of a revision of historiography can be represented and implemented credibly and competently by respectable and respected politicians. And the foremost concern of the scientist must be to alert the politicians to this fact and to accompany them as they steer their way among the cliffs of scientific insights."[1]

Investigation into new reports about 9/11

In July 2003, according to his own published articles, Rudolf conducted limited experiments in the use of cellular phones from an airliner while in flight. He reports mixed results and has left the question open. His stated reason for conducting these experiments is to verify or deny a widely circulated claim that it is impossible to make cellular phone calls from an airliner at cruising height. This he co-authored with Alexander Dewdney.[1]


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Being happy–is it good for the Jews? "Before Professor Dershowitz accused me of being an anti-Semite (news to me), I was a happy person. Since then, I'm still a happy person". –Michael Santomauro

An antisemite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an antisemite.--Michael Santomauro

Most of us are mentally trapped to think Jewish.
Actually, it is safe to say that virtually every mainstream publication or or other type of media organ is "nothing more than a screen to present chosen views." The great battle over the last century has been a battle for the mind of the Western peoples, i.e., non-Jewish Euros. The chosen won it by acquiring control over essentially the complete mainstream news, information, education and entertainment media of every type, and using that control to infuse and disseminate their message, agenda and worldview, their way of thinking, or rather the way they want us to think. Since at least the 1960s this campaign has been effectively complete. Since then they have shaped and controlled the minds of all but a seeming few of us in varying degree with almost no opposition or competition from any alternative worldview. So now most of us are mentally trapped in the box the chosen have made for us, which we have lived in all our lives. Only a few have managed to avoid it or escape it, or to even sometimes see outside of it, and so actually "think outside of the (Jewish) box." --Michael Santomauro

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