Monday, September 20, 2010

Joe Webb Re : Gilad Atzmon: On Jewish Loyalty


Begin forwarded message:

From: joe webb <>
Date: September 20, 2010 3:04:07 PM EDT
To: reportersnotebook <>,
Subject: Re: Gilad Atzmon: On Jewish Loyalty

Hi  Michael,  This is an interesting post.  Atzmon reveals himself to be a multi-culturist, AND someone who apparently believes (not thinks) that  folks who live in a particular state do not have to swear allegiance to that state.  

Atzmon is therefore a liberal, or a leftist whose confusion on fundamentals is very clear.

Anyone possessing citizenship in a particular state must by loyal to that state.  If they are disloyal, the state is under attack.  Any state that permits non-loyalty is on the path to disintegration.  It is one thing for a state to be multi-culti in some ways, but the multiple "cultures" must swear loyalty to the state.

If they do not , they should be expelled.  That is so simple and fundamental that it is astonishing that Atzmon is so blind.  Of course, he is probably fundamentally disloyal to the state of Israel.

Israel has the right to demand loyalty, just as any other state can demand loyalty.  The opponents of Israel, like myself, have the right to try to dismantle the Israelli state.  But to suggest that Israel is somehow a pariah state because it demands loyalty from its citizens is absurd.

Israel is a pariah state for other reasons, like is stolen property, etc.

Let us be clear.  The U.S. has the right to demand loyalty.  It therefore has, for example, the right to expel Mexicans, etc.    Joe

--- On Mon, 9/20/10, Michael <> wrote:

From: Michael <>
Subject: Gilad Atzmon: On Jewish Loyalty
To: "reportersnotebook" <>
Date: Monday, September 20, 2010, 9:55 AM


Gilad Atzmon: On Jewish Loyalty 

Recognizing Israel as uniquely Jewish is one of the key demands  made by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the latest  talks with the Palestinians. However, Foreign Minister Lieberman took it one step further. He demands all Israelis swear an oath of loyalty to the Jewish state. Liebermann's campaign slogan is "no loyalty, no citizenship."

"We can't continue to ignore issues like that of Hanin Zuabi, who identifies completely with the other side," Said Lieberman on Sunday. He was referring to an Israeli Arab member of Knesset who was stripped of her parliamentary privileges after sailing aboard the heroic Mavi Marmara, and being witness to the Israeli massacre in high seas.

So here we are : Israel is basically a Western liberal 'multi cultural' society where all different ethnicities and minorities are demanded to swear loyalty to the ultimate form of chauvinist  Jewish tribal practice.

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