Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Re: Joe Webb Re : Gilad Atzmon: On Jewish Loyalty


This is a  second response to Gilad Atzman's piece on Reporters Notebook wherein Atzman whines about Israel maybe  doing a loyalty oath aimed of course at its Palestinian citizens.  

Hi Gilad, the issue is not Jewish loyalty to Israel, the issue is the general issue of a state's duty to require allegiance/loyalty.To do otherwise is state suicide.

This brings to mind the loyalty oath affair at the University of California back in the 50s.  As a red diaper baby, I recall the hoop-la around the loyalty oath that Cal required during the "witch-hunt" as the communists and liberals put it, of the 50s.  

In fact, communists were as close to witches as it gets, or maybe deputized devils, short of going into the current situation with Jewish disloyalty in the U.S. and their loyalty to the state of Israel.

It became part of the 'McCarthyism" of the 50s ..the loyalty oath controversy.  Of course it turns out that McCarthy was correct about almost everything having to do with communist subversion in government, etc.  Jews were particularly upset with McCarthy because Jews were about half of the CP in the U.S. and held the commanding positions in the party.

One friend of my family back then was a goy named Beverstock who had worked in the State Department.  Bev was rich enough to live in Atherton, CA. and not work.  I recall a particularly ludicrous moment at my mother's wake back in 1991.  Someone was recording the remarks of family friends and Bev went berzerk..."No tape recordings!, no tape recordings! he yelled.  Bev was about 85 then.

I have other characters in my memories from those early days who were communists or fellow travelers.  Most of the family friends who were communists were Jews...who by the way always treated me ok....  one of the reasons I was slow to catch on later I guess.

Yes, they were disloyal to the U.S.  They were loyal to the USSR.   The U.S. gov't had every solid reason to require a loyalty oath, ditto the University of California.

A loyalty oath for all U.S. citizens would really put the Jews and the Mexers on the spot.  Let them scream.  Let the LIberals whine as well.

So.  The issue is the general issue, not Israeli citiizens' loyalty to the state of Israel.  

Israel would be entirely within its rights as a nation state to require a loyalty oath of its Palestinian citizens.

Then, the fat would be in the fire.  Let Israel burn...metaphorically speaking of course.


--- On Tue, 9/21/10, Gilad Atzmon <giladatzmon@mac.com> wrote:

From: Gilad Atzmon <giladatzmon@mac.com>
Subject: Re: Joe Webb Re : Gilad Atzmon: On Jewish Loyalty
To: "ReportersNotebook-owner@yahoogroups.com" <ReportersNotebook-owner@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: "ReportersNotebook@yahoogroups.com" <ReportersNotebook@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, September 21, 2010, 5:43 AM


If to be precise the paper refers to israel and Britain. I plan to extend it to USA and France. Having a constitution sets a moral value system. This is something the j state lacks. Hence, when Liebermann demands loyalty it is not clear what he is on about. There is no Jewish moral value system. We can only guess that he wants Arabs to accept that Jews come first...
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On 20 Sep 2010, at 21:53, Manuel Sotil <msotil@gmail.com> wrote:


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