Friday, September 17, 2010

Just a refresher on Fred Leuchter's 1998 work as represented in Errol Morris' film - Mr Death. The Rise and Fall of Fred A Leuchter Jr.


Mr Death The Rise and Fall of Fred A Leuchter Jr.

1:31:04 - 4 years ago


The Film at: 

Cast - Fred A Leuchter Jr - Robert Jan Van Pelt - David Irving - James Roth - Shelly Shapiro - Suzanne Tabasky - Ernst Zundel. Directed by Errol Morris "Mr. Death" is a stylized documentary that deals with the life and work of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., a US Federal Court qualified expert in execution technology. On the basis of his qualifications, in 1988 Leuchter was commissioned by German-Canadian publisher Ernst Zundel to conduct the first thorough forensic examination of the alleged Nazi gas chambers at Auschwitz and Birkenau in Poland. After Leuchter testified that the alleged facilities were not -- and could not have been -- used for mass extermination, Jewish activists ruined his life. Leuchter comes across just as straightforward and guileless on film as he is in real life. As a result, some viewers of earlier versions at the Sundance Festival, the Toronto Film Festival and Harvard University began to question the Holocaust extermination stories they'd been told, while others suspected that Morris himself might have been converted to Holocaust revisionism. At the eleventh hour, Morris re-edited the film in an effort to emphasize his anti-revisionist point of view. Character assassination aside, the question remains as to whether or not Leuchter's findings regarding the alleged Nazi gas chambers at Auschwitz and Birkenau are correct. http://www.freespeechwar.comCast - Fred A Leuchter Jr - Robert Jan Van Pelt - David Irving - James Roth - Shelly Shapiro - Suzanne Tabasky - Ernst Zundel. Directed by Errol Morris "Mr. Death" is a stylized documentary that deals with the life and work of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., a US Federal Court qualified expert in execution technology. On the basis of his qualifications, in 1988 Leuchter was commissioned by German-Canadian publisher Ernst Zundel to conduct the first thorough forensic examination of the alleged Nazi gas chambers at Auschwitz and Birkenau in Poland. After Leuchter testified that the alleged facilities were not -- and could not have been -- used for mass extermination, Jewish activists ruined his life. Leuchter comes across just as straightforward and guileless on film as he is in real life. As a result, some viewers of earlier versions at the Sundance Festival, the Toronto Film Festival and Harvard University began to question the Holocaust extermination stories they'd been told, while others suspected that Morr...all »Cast - Fred A Leuchter Jr - Robert Jan Van Pelt - David Irving - James Roth - Shelly Shapiro - Suzanne Tabasky - Ernst Zündel.

Directed by Errol Morris "Mr. Death" is a stylized documentary that deals with the life and work of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., a US Federal Court qualified expert in execution technology. On the basis of his qualifications, in 1988 Leuchter was commissioned by German-Canadian publisher Ernst Zündel to conduct the first thorough forensic examination of the alleged Nazi gas chambers at Auschwitz and Birkenau in Poland.

After Leuchter testified that the alleged facilities were not -- and could not have been -- used for mass extermination, Jewish activists ruined his life. Leuchter comes across just as straightforward and guileless on film as he is in real life.

As a result, some viewers of earlier versions at the Sundance Festival, the Toronto Film Festival and Harvard University began to question the Holocaust extermination stories they'd been told, while others suspected that Morris himself might have been converted to Holocaust revisionism. At the eleventh hour, Morris re-edited the film in an effort to emphasize his anti-revisionist point of view.

Character assassination aside, the question remains as to whether or not Leuchter's findings regarding the alleged Nazi gas chambers at Auschwitz and Birkenau are correct.


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