Monday, September 20, 2010

Time Magazine and BraveHeart: "Lecturer Of Truth"


Subject: BraveHeart: "Lecturer Of Truth"

Time Magazine, August 18, 1967



Though anti-Semitism has a long and virulent history in Poland, Jews form a vital and powerful segment of the present Polish government.  As in other countries in Eastern Europe, the roots of the Polish Communist Party go back to 19th century Jewish-led organizations.  And as Europe's Communist parties grew after World War I, so did the influence of the Jews within them.  During World War II and Nazi occupation, many Polish Communist Jews fled to Russia for sanctuary – and many returned with the Red Army to hold high military, secret police and administrative posts.  Thus, though there are only 30,000 Jews in Poland today, they are seeded influentially from the politburo down through the intellectual community and the Polish press.


      After Party Boss Wladyslaw Gomulka's decision to break off diplomatic ties with Israel last June at Moscow's behest, there was a modicum of wry truth in a gibe that quickly made the rounds in Warsaw: Tel Aviv was going to retaliate by withdrawing the Polish government…

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