Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tikun Olam : Israeli 9/11 Victim's Family: Islamic Center 'Like Bringing Pig in Holy Place'


Tikun Olam-תקון עולם: Make the World a Better Place
September 11, 2010 8:07 PM
alona avraham

Alona Avraham Israeli 9/11 victim

I don't know why Pammy Geller, Robert Spencer, David Horowitz and Joyce Chernick didn't dig up the Avraham family earlier.  It would be yet more anti-Muslim racist propaganda in their Jewish jihad against the Park51 Islamic center in downtown Manhattan.  Ynetnews reports that the Israeli family of


The secret to happiness–is it good for the Jews? "Before Professor Dershowitz accused me of being an anti-Semite (news to me), I was a happy person. Since then, I'm still a happy person". –Michael Santomauro

An antisemite condemns people for being Jews, I am not an antisemite.--Michael Santomauro

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