Monday, September 6, 2010



In Europe, MEN were enticed to join the Spanish and other European explorers by promises that the indian girls and women were "easy" and did not practice "marriage" or "monogamy".  America was founded on sexual tourism, or sexual slavery.  In otherwords, they did the same thing that migrating humans have been doing for thousands of years.  Some say that the fun was not kept in America.
"If you want the prototypical conquistador your man isn't Columbus; it is Hernando de Soto. Soto, as he was known in his time, became the first European to penetrate far into the interior of North America. From l539 to 1543, his army of 600 men traveled 4,000 miles, twice the distance later covered by Lewis and Clark.  ...  Soto was a toughened veteran of the Spanish conquest in Peru. He'd come to the Americas at the age of 14, the son of an impoverished squire, and returned to Spain a rich man and with a reputation for killing Indians for sport. He could have retired in splendor, but he wanted more -- more gold, more glory. ...  He passed through 10 future states of the United States. He went up into the Carolinas, across the Appalachians, and down through parts of Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi, coming on the Mississippi River near Memphis. Then he pushed on into Arkansas, before turning back to the Mississippi when he couldn't find rich civilizations to plunder. ... They were a starving band that had been decimated by sickness and Indian attacks. Soto had buried almost half of his men, and the walking wounded were carrying the mortally wounded in makeshift slings. ... The fighting in the Southeast had been incredibly ferocious. Everywhere De Soto went he demanded food, clothing, and women for his sex-starved men.  When threats and diplomacy didn't work, he went on hair-raising killing sprees. But the Indians fought back with suicidal determination...." 
"The Spanish Crown's soldiers beginning with Christopher Columbus started the trans-Atlantic teenage female sex trade. That is, they would capture infant Indian girls in the "Americas" and take them to Europe where they would be sold as prostitutes."
"But the Spaniards' most powerful weapons were invisible killers they brought with them in the blood and breath -- infectious diseases. Because they'd been isolated from the rest of the world, the Indians had no immunity to European diseases such as smallpox, diphtheria, influenza, and cholera. Common childhood diseases like measles and mumps hit them with ferocious force. Smallpox alone could wipe out an entire tribe in one harrowing visitation -- partly because it struck almost everyone at the same time, leaving no one to tend to the victims.  In l520 there were approximately 25 million people in Mexico. Eighty years later there were about l.3 million, largely because of European diseases. It is no wonder the invasion of North America has been called "the greatest demographic disaster in the history of the world."  The Spanish had yet another advantage over the Indians: a set of beliefs ideally suited for conquest. In l492, Spain had just completed a seven century-long war to drive the Moors out of Iberia. This Catholic crusade nourished a warrior culture among the lesser nobility of Castile, and they carried it to the Americas, convinced they had a divine mandate to reduce the New World infidels into submission.



Michael Santomauro
Editorial Director
Call anytime: 917-974-6367

Amazon's: DEBATING THE HOLOCAUST: A New Look At Both Sides by Thomas Dalton

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