Saturday, September 4, 2010

Blair's and his Bloody Memoir- Lauren Booth & Gilad Atzmon


Gilad Atzmon: Bloody Memoir

Tony Blair, a man who launched a criminal war with no end, declared once again today that "Radical Islam is the world's greatest threat"

He made the remark in a BBC interview marking the publication of his memoirs.

Mr Blair said radical Islamists believed that whatever was done in the name of their cause was justified - including the use of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.

I can't make up my mind whether Blair's remark is amusing or tragic for not a single  Islamic leader has ever used "chemical, biological or nuclear weapons". If anything it is Britain and the USA who deployed weaponry that contained depleted uranium. A recent  study reveals that the Cancer rate in Fallujah, Iraq is worse than Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

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