Sunday, September 12, 2010

Abnormal put and call options activity in the days before 9/11/2001


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From: Manuel Sotil <>
Date: Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 9:12 AM


A few days before the 9/11 acts or terrorism, there was unusual options activity on the stock of American Airlines, United Airlines, Raytheon, insurance companies and others that would be affected by the disaster.

For example:

The stock market put options activity was 90 to 285 times greater than normal for United Airlines and 60 times greater than normal for American Airlines. Put and call activity for all other airlines remained normal. Others: Morgan Stanley = 27X, Merrill Lynch = 12X (companies located in WTC whose offices were destroyed). 

Raytheon: (Patriot, Tomahawk weapons systems) enjoyed abnormal call activity in expectation the stock would soar, which it did.
US Treasury Notes.

The above are just some examples. The operators who placed those put and call options knew that the underlying price of the stock was going to change +/- dramatically in the near future, or even the exact date. 

All people in the know were deputized for an investigation, in effect, legally shutting them up. Official explanation for this abnormal activity (hold onto your hat)?: Bin Laden!


Manuel Sotil


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