Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Einstein Controversy / Liz Taylor's Jewishness


JTA: The Global News Service of the Jewish People

Daily Briefing

Wednesday, August 18, 2010 Share This Email

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Featured Story

It's all relative: You say Einstein is 'Jewish science,' I say 'liberal conspiracy'

Nazis and Holocaust revisionists have long dismissed Albert Einstein's groundbreaking theories. Now, the legendary physicist is facing a new wave of attacks - this time from conservative bloggers who say that his theory of relativity and its iconic formula, E=mc2, are part of a "liberal conspiracy." Read more »

Editors' Picks

From Ground Zero to the mosque

Exactly how far from Ground Zero is the controversial Islamic center proposed for lower Manhattan? JTA's Adam Socloff visits the site with his video camera to find out.

Palestinian leaders must foster hope, not hate

Only when Palestinian leaders foster a culture of hope rather than hate will there be lasting peace for the Palestinians and Israelis, the president of The Israel Project writes in JTA.

Parties wrestle over pro-Israel label in Australian campaign

As the two major parties in Australia's federal election vie for the title of Israel's most ardent backer, most Jewish leaders believe that Australia's longstanding, strong bilateral support for the Jewish state will not be jeopardized regardless of the outcome, writes Dan Goldberg in JTA.

Tony Judt's Jewishness

The late Tony Judt was an independent thinker, not a self-hating Jew, writes Tel Aviv University psychology professor Carlo Strenger on The Huffington Post.

Record number Israeli expats return

Statistics released this week show a record 12,000 Israeli expatriates returned to Israel in 2009, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Russians in Israel silent on conversion bill

Non-Jewish Russians in Israel are strangely silent about the conversion bill that has American and Israeli Jews up in arms, reports Nathan Jeffay in the Forward.

Elizabeth Taylor's Jewish side

The L.A. Jewish Journal's Hollywood Jew blog takes a look at Elizabeth Taylor's Jewish side.


Sponsored Content

Psalms for the Perplexed

Some of the most popular Israeli musicians and songwriters are discovering, or rediscovering, Judaism-and rescuing long-sidelined Jewish musical traditions.

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