Monday, August 30, 2010

EAIF: The Multicultural Virtue of the African Medical Brain Drain


Aug. 30, 2010

From the desk of James Joseph Sanchez, PhD:

I will admit my principle concern is not Africa. However, I don't wish the Africans ill (although I hardly favor African regimes like Zimbabwe that slaughter my kin). Although it probably will not happen, a prosperous and peaceful Africa would generate less emigrants to my homelands.

However, the advocates of multiculturalism do not seem to have my laissez faire approach to Africa. Here a British multiculturalist (a professor to be sure) tries to argue that draining all the doctors and nurses out of Africa to be low-cost workers in the National Health Service in Britain somehow benefits Africa.

Multiculturalism is genocide.

James Joseph Sanchez, PhD
President, EAIF


Andrew Lawrence.

"'Circular Migration' and the Potential to Improve Health Outcomes; UK Policymakers in Separate Branches of Government Need to Develop Creative Connections Among Migration, Health and Development Policy; Open and Free Recruitment Regimes That Maintain High Standards of Transparency and Accountability Provide Incentive Structures for Africans Students", in PPR-Public Policy Research, March-May 2010. pp. 49-54.

There is a consensus [sic] in Britiain that migration from the Third World (especially African) and Muslim countries is an almost pure benefit to Britain. Now, the British must realize that the National Health service (NHS) is utterly dependent upon Third World, immigrant health workers. Britain must also provide for easy two way travel by these health professionals between Britain and their homelands: Britain would "triple win" from such an opening of the border. 

At the same time, Africa has a severe shortage of health professionals. Compared to UK, Canada and Australia, South Africa has one-third the per capita physicians, Malawi has one-fortieth of the physicians South Africa has. The regional AIDS crisis both decimates the ranks of physicians and drives them to more pleasant surroundings. For these reasons, a recent Lancet editorial declared the active recruiting of health professionals in Africa to work in Britain to be a "crime". This racist point of view "marginalizes the agency of the migrant workers themselves". In fact, accelerating the brain drain from the African medical community benefits Africa. 

The most recent study of health worker migration shows that as of 2000, the UK was the principle receiving country for physicians born in Botswana (40% of overseas physicians, 5% of total), Malawi (66% overseas, 40% total), South Africa (45% overseas, 10% total), Tanzania (55% overseas, 28% total), and Zambia (55% overseas, 33% total). UK was also the principle receiving country for nurses in all these countries plus Nigeria and Zimbabwe (75% of  overseas, 20% of total). 

"Circular migration", in which African health professionals migrate freely between UN hospitals and sister hospitals in Africa, even if it involves only a microsciopic rate of repatriation, would immensely benefit health systems in Africa, especially in small countries with high rates of health professional migration to the UK, such as Malawi, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The UK could also finance other, unspecified incentives.




Michael Santomauro
Editorial Director
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