Saturday, August 28, 2010

Did Hitler used this stress relief technique?


August 2010

See Video Clip FIRST:


Commentary from:

Edmund Connelly

Jews Mocking the Tribe?  


For instance, our goyische "expert" tells her audience to

Imagine my money-related stress as the most disgusting terrifying creature I can think of. I'd like to imagine an ugly, greasy little creature with a hooked nose and oily black hair. I call him the Grabbler because he's a greedy little monster who wants to grabble up all your money. Now think of all the problems. He invented interest rates like the ones on your credit card. He's taking the jobs because Grabblers only hire their own kind."

That's hitting a little too close to home, isn't it, messieurs Madoff, Blankfein and Soros? 

Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs

The next part clearly mocks goyim for our penchant of sticking our heads in the sand rather than face up to real problems. Better, it mocks us because rather than face our problems and deal with them, we resort to puerile tactics such as shifting our focus to happy, sappy things. Like, say, rather than dealing with the fact that a gang of Black punks has just knifed your neighbor's 16-year-old, you light candles, hug each other and visualize a world filled with nothing but love. Goyim can be really, really stupid.

In the case of this video, our expert beseeches us to imagine yourself in a peaceful field full of lilies. Meanwhile, the banner at the bottom of the screen reinforces this: "Picture Yourself In A Quiet Space Free Of Grabblers, Such As A Field Or A Church."

Get it?  A church is where goyim go.

The expert than asks us to expunge idea that grabblers are scheming or trying to rob you. The power of positive thinking. How utterly stupid. But of course a grabbler by nature schemes and tries to rob people. You've just imagined away any defense from these grabblers. I guess that's funny to some people.

Therapist Christine moves next to "Blabblers," "people who love to argue and complain in a nasal voices. They're always lurking like rats." Here's the image:

The first thing that came to my mind when hearing the world "blabbler" was an image of Barbra Streisand who is affectionately known as "Babs." 

The mock interview ends with host Haggerty plugging guest Christine Eckard's latest book. We then get a close-up of the title: The Solution: Kill all the Grabblers. 

So our expert with the German-American sounding name, Christine Eckard, has genocide in her eyes, quite appropriate for anyone with German blood. Ha ha ha.

As I've said, there is a lot going on in this short video, and I'm far from reaching any conclusions. 

A Google search turns up a few hints. A site called Subverted Nation, for one, argues that 

to your conscious mind, it all sounds just as silly as it's presented. The problem is that your subconscious mind only sees things in a literal sense. It does not have the ability to reason, and it is completely unable to use any logic whatsoever. So, when you are told to visualize these problems simply fading away, and replacing the imagery with something soft and sweet, this is exactly what your subconscious mind does.

It's very subtle, but this kind of neuro-linguistic programming works extremely well, and your enemy is seasoned in this practice in ways many of you are unable to imagine. These are the kinds of techniques taught in the secret mystery schools to all of their kind. This is the stuff you often miss, that is playing a vital role in their battle for your mind, bodies, and souls. 

This writer also argues that "90% of the people on planet Earth do not know who this enemy really is, they do not recognize the "grabbler" as the Jew, and they are utterly clueless as to how serious of an issue this really is." I simply can't agree with that. I refuse to believe that anything close to such a majority of fellow Americans are clueless about such stereotypes about Jews. Could it be possible?  Again, I'd like to hear from readers. 

An acquaintance seemed to think it possible, though. He told me that "Most people watching the 'Grabbler' sketch don't see it with our [Jew-wise] eyes. Indeed, one could come up with a PC, philo-Semitic reading of the spoof: it reveals that all gentiles have anti-Semitic fantasies and thus are in need of sensitivity re-education." If he's right about this reading, then we're in deeper trouble than I had realized. 

In closing, let me proffer one last hypothesis for the Jewish medium known as television for offering negative but fairly accurate depictions of Jews: Could these Jews be crying out to get caught? Naaaaawwww.

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Edmund Connelly (email himis a freelance writer, academic, and expert on the cinema arts. He has previously written for The Occidental Quarterly.

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