Thursday, July 22, 2010

FOXNEWS and "Scary Black People"


FOXNEWS and "Scary Black People"
FOXNEWS maintains a not-so-covert racist narrative of "SCARY BLACK PEOPLE."
FOXNEWS does stories on "SCARY BLACK PEOPLE" all the time:
FOXNEWS on Barack Obama: "Obama is a racist who hates white people."
FOXNEWS on Shirley Sherrod: Breitbart Caught the Racist In The Act; "This proves NAACP is racist." - Sean Hannity;
FOXNEWS on the New Black Panthers: See there, here's proof blacks really are "scary people."
Harold Hill (a.k.a. Glen Beck) went on national television and called the President of the United States a "racist"; somebody who flashed a "deep-seated hatred of white people."

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