Thursday, July 15, 2010

American Third Position


American Third Position

Harry Reid is in Denial

Posted: 14 Jul 2010 04:27 PM PDT

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid just won't admit that many construction jobs in his home state of Nevada go to illegal aliens, in large part because last year Reid refused to allow a vote on SA 239 which would have required construction companies to use E-Verify to determine if job applicants were in the country legally.  Reid Declines Vote on Illegal Worker Plan

Some expressed disbelief that Reid said this, claiming his intent was mangled by editing: Right Wing Howls Over Reid's Claim On Illegal Immigrants — But What'd He Really Say?

To help clear up any doubts, here's the uncut footage of the interview. The pertinent exchange starts at 1:10.

BACA: You go to the unemployment office though, and there's many U.S. citizens who are unemployed construction workers, and they don't have specific jobs because right now, some of those construction companies find it easier to hire undocumented workers.

REID: I think that any information you have in that regard is absolutely without foundation.

BACA: The Pew Hispanic Trust though says that about 14 percent of illegal immigrants-- 14 percent of construction workers are unauthorized immigrants.

REID: Well that may be some place, but it's not here in Nevada.

Watch the tail end of the footage to see Reid wave off his responsibilities to his constituents, with extreme disdain.

In related news, the obituary of an 84-year-old Nevada woman expressed her grievous displeasure with Reid. A Dying Wish: Don't Vote for Harry Reid Let's hope the collossal failings of the elected official she once supported didn't put the dear lady over the edge.


Dalton's Holocaust Radio Debate on April 24, 2010:


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