Thursday, July 22, 2010

A year and a half in prison for a married Arab posing as a single Jew


Just when we thought that we know all about Israeli racism, here is a new record-breaking case. Apparently it was not covered by English-language media, but the Spanish did it

ISRAEL | Sentenced for rape 
A year and a half in prison for a married Arab posing as a single Jew 

Sal Emergui | Jerusalem 
Updated Tuesday 20/07/2010 13:16 hours 

To get sex, there are no rules and seemingly no limits. Many lie about their marital status. Or your car. Others about their identity or place of origin. A few of their religion. Most entice the victim with promises of a life full of love, pleasure, children, happiness and a heavenly home by the sea. 

Sabar Kashur, an Arab citizen of 30 years and happily married (?), met all these requirements. Posing as a single Jew in search of a stable and meaningful relation, he won the heart of a young Jewish woman whom he met in Jerusalem. 
After consensual sexual relationships in a building in the center of the city, Kashur abruptly left the scene. 

The girl understood that her Prince Charming was not only very happily married man. He was not Jewish but a Muslim. His compelling verbiage did not aim for a long and romantic affair, but the bed. So the young Israeli decided to take revenge by filing a complaint with the police. He was accused of rape and sexual harassment. Big words. 

What seemed like a paradise became hell for Kashur. The verdict of the Jerusalem District Court: 18 months in prison for rape and fraud. And a compensation of 10,000 shekels (2,000 euros). 

"This is not a rape in the classical sense, i.e. by force. But the act was accomplished because of a lie and a false identity," wrote the three judges. "If the applicant learned that the accused was not a Jewish bachelor, she would not agree to have sex," - they added.According to Judge Zvi Segal, "the Court is obliged to protect the public interest from sophisticated criminals and swindlers who can trick innocent victims to surrender the sanctity of their bodies and souls." 

Provided that a married man pretending to be a bachelor in order to seduce a girl never was sent to jail in Israel for rape for this reason, apparently it is the goy's claim ofJewishness that was his undoing in the Jewish state. Not even Jim Crow Alabama or Nuremberg Germany had meted such punishments for having sex with a Jewish girl.

Now this is a good case for ACLU, for its cohort of 90 Jewish lawyers and for their Muslim supporter Safia to take on! Somehow I doubt they will.



Michael Santomauro
Editorial Director
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