Thursday, July 22, 2010



Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 13:26

I saw the entire video of her speaking.........she told the story of how she used to be racist, since a KKK man murdered her father long ago, but now had seen the error of her ways and was no longer prejudice, but a good person who works hard to help all equally.
Andrew Breitbart needs his ass kicked sideways, for posting a racist video in the first place; I emphasize, "racist video" because Sherrod's original video was NOT racist!
It "became" racist when Butthole BreitBagger "bagged" him a good ole racist rant! BreitButt saw his brand of "racism" in them, thar Sherrodisms; thus, the "bad faith" edit job.
It's worth noting that  when CNN interviewed Sherrod, CNN Anchor Ali Velshi "goaded" Sherrod into supporting the idea of "shutting down" BreitBart's website. Velshi brought the subject up, by asking Sherrod, ""Do you think you should sue Andrew BreitBart, and if you do, what do you want?" Sherrod balked at the idea, telling CNN's Velshi she isn't sure what she wants, other than an apology from Mr. Breitbart; but according to Sherrod, Andrew Breitbart has not apologized to her.
Velshi pushed on: Do you think BreitBart's website should be shut down?" Sherrod replied, "Yes."
A word to all Americans, especially CNN's Canadian-commenator/anchor Ali Velshi:
Dear Mr. Velshi:
Here in America, us Americans do NOT support "shutting down" websites (as you said) that says things you don't like or may be harmful to you; the "solution" to free speech you don't like or free speech that has harmful effects on you is either to: 1) Sue the bastard: in some instances, you have a right to sue a person or corporation if their exercise of free speech was the direct and proximate cause of your suffering; 2) Exercise your right to free speech by responding to any such free speech you don't like, enjoy, or challenge.
I can tell you the constitutional solution isn't to go around willy-nilly "shutting down" websites you don't like.
Our Founding Fathers intoned the answer to the problem of free speech you don't like is, more free speech in your kind.
THEREFORE, on balance: Is Andrew Breitbart a conservative Republican scumbag? You bet.
Should his website be shut down? Probably not; but that will be for a court to decide; and as the courts, constitution and free speech go, Breitbart's website probably won't be shut down.
The "solution" to buttholes like Breitbart is not to shut his website down, but to educate the up and coming American voters that Breitbart and his website is what conservative Republicanism is all about: smiling facade, backed by the sharp knives of racism and fear of multi-ethnocentric American society.
No, Breitbart's website shouldn't be shut down: it should be studied by voters seeking to separate the wheat from the chaff. Breitbart's website is only "Exhibit A" in the long A-to-Z evidence list of Republican conservatism nastiness and hatred for his fellow man.
.r o n
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 12:27

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Sent: Thu, July 22, 2010 1:52:10 PM
Subject: [The Daily Chimp] The Daily Chimp for Thursday, 22 July 2010

The Daily Chimp for Thursday, 22 July 2010

The Daily Chimp for Thursday, 22 July 2010

The 25 most recent front page posts

Ted Rall | Protofascism Comes to America: The Rise of the Tea Party
Is the Tea Party racist? Democrats who play liberals on TV say it isn't. Vice President Joe Biden says the Tea Party "is not a racist organization" per se, but allows that "at least elements that were involved in some of the Tea Party folks expressed racist views." Right-wing Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has received permission to form an official Tea ...
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Posted Jul 22 2010 - 1:10pm

Cenk Uygur | Why Does Fox News Have More Power Than Any Progressive in the Country?
As we can all see now, when Fox says jump, the Obama administration asks how high? (Then jumps one inch less and considers it a progressive victory). Is there anyone Obama won't fire or throw under the bus if Fox asks him to? What if they ask Obama to fire himself? Would he do it? Or would he just fire Biden and say he met them halfway? If the firing of ...
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Posted Jul 22 2010 - 1:06pm

Allison Kilkenny | Ben Stein: the unemployed possess poor work habits, personalities
I know. You're sitting there, wondering why I'm wasting precious bandwidth on trashing the dude from those commercials for free credit scores, which aren't really free, and landed in a heap of trouble when they were accused of misleading consumers. Anywho. When he isn't lending his mug for the purposes of misleading ...
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Posted Jul 22 2010 - 12:47pm

Will Bunch | The Story Behind the 1965 Killing of Sherrod's Dad
For all the over-warped speed in initially getting that bogus version of the Shirley Sherrod story out there and pushing her our the door at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, other details in this story have been surprisingly slow to emerge. In particular, I'd been waiting to hear more about a comment from Sherrod on CNN that her father had been murdered ...
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Posted Jul 22 2010 - 12:33pm

MediaConsortium | Weekly Diaspora: Evangelicals Unexpected Allies for Immigration Reform
With only a week remaining before Arizona's contentious Senate Bill 1070 becomes law, Arizona human and immigrant rights groups have found unlikely allies among the religious community. The American Prospect reports that a growing group of evangelical Christian leaders, like Rev. Samuel Rodriguez Jr. ...
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Posted Jul 22 2010 - 12:29pm

Robert C. Koehler | The Secrecy State
Under the I-hate-government, let's-drown-it-in-the-bathtub administration of George Bush and Dick Cheney, the Secrecy State swelled to such enormous proportions it required more than a dozen investigative journalists from the Washington Post two years to fathom its size and shape. In our otherwise financially bankrupt society, where we can afford virtually...
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Posted Jul 22 2010 - 12:08pm

Cameron Salisbury | GMO, Gasses, Irradiation and Big Business: Subversion in the Grocery Store
Wouldn't you know it. Just when we thought that we had made choices that made the adulterated American food supply manageable, Corporate Agriculture finds new ways to quietly and unobtrusively pollute our lunch. We figured a way around the colors, texturizers, hidden gluten, preservatives and taste enhancers with unpronounceable names, and thought we were...
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Posted Jul 22 2010 - 12:07pm

RJ Eskow | Scammed: What Shirley Sherrod and Social Security Have in Common
This week's big story is that a faker scammed the media, trashing an innocent USDA employee's career in order to push a false right-wing narrative. But another scam's underway too, and it's targeting Social Security and other entitlement programs. As Republicans (and at least one Democrat) pushed budget-busting tax cuts, the "bipartisan" leaders of the ...
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Posted Jul 22 2010 - 11:58am

Laura Flanders | The F Word: Rolling Over on Shirley Sherrod
How many times is the Obama administration going to roll over for Glenn Beck? That's the question once again, this time as Shirley Sherrod, a Department of Agriculture official, is forced out of her job following the airing of a selectively-edited video of her speech at an NAACP banquet in March. The video, cut to make it appear as if the African-American...
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Posted Jul 22 2010 - 11:51am

Jane Stillwater | Las Vegas: This place will be dead without cars
I finally made it to the Netroots Nation convention in Las Vegas -- even after some [clumsy person] knocked my glasses off my head and stepped on them on the plane, forcing me to stumble blindly through the Las Vegas airport. But some kind soul directed me to a hotel shuttle and, well, here I am -- in what has got to be the car capital of the world. On ...
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Posted Jul 22 2010 - 11:45am

Gary Leupp | "This Isn't Something the U.S. Wanted to Engage In" - Obama's Afghan War in Perspective
Practically everyone now understands that the war in Afghanistan is going very badly. This is not because the Taliban and other "insurgent" forces are strong and their foreign foes weak. It is because of the Afghans' indomitable spirit of independence that is only intensified by each civilian death due to house raids or bombs. Republican Party chair...
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Posted Jul 22 2010 - 11:27am

Tom Engelhardt | Tomgram: William Astore, Wars Don't Make Heroes
Consider a strange aspect of our wars since October 2001: they have yet to establish a bona fide American hero, a national household name. Two were actually "nominated" early by the Bush administration -- Jessica Lynch, a 19-year-old private and clerk captured by the Iraqis in the early days of the American invasion and later "rescued...
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Posted Jul 22 2010 - 11:19am

David Swanson | Blood on Our Hands
The most massive and brutal crime committed on this planet during the past decade has been the invasion and occupation of Iraq. And we're seeking to wash the blood off our hands without so much as an "Out, damn spot!" Nowadays "looking forward, not backward" is supposed to take care of everything, even as the crimes continue. What that takes care of is ...
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Posted Jul 22 2010 - 10:40am

Ted Rall | Cartoon: The Curse
American soldiers are complaining about PTSD in greater numbers...
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Posted Jul 22 2010 - 10:26am

Andy Borowitz | USDA Offers Sherrod Authority Over Farmville
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) - In an effort to rectify its treatment of former employee Shirley Sherrod, the USDA today offered Ms. Sherrod an expanded job at the Department of Agriculture, including total authority over Farmville. With Facebook now claiming over half a billion members worldwide, Ms. Sherrod's new job would mean that she would have ...
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Posted Jul 22 2010 - 10:17am

MediaConsortium | Weekly Pulse: Uncovered Abortions, Toxic Mani-Pedis, and Kagan's a Go
by Lindsay Beyerstein, Media Consortium blogger Last week, the Obama administration preemptively caved to the anti-choice lobby by declaring that new high-risk insurance pools, a byproduct of recent health care legislation, will not cover abortions, even if states or patients pay for that coverage with their own money. Under health care reform, states must ...
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Posted Jul 21 2010 - 5:29pm

Jayne Lyn Stahl | HIV: Eastern Europe's Gulf Disaster
Coverage of the 18th annual International AIDS Conference has all but been eclipsed by nonstop footage of the BP oil spill, and Lindsay Lohan's arrest, but listen to this: Africa is no longer the nucleus of HIV infection. Eastern Europe and Central Asia now lead the world as the fastest growing HIV epidemic, the World Health Organization told the 18th...
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Posted Jul 21 2010 - 4:29pm

Bob Patterson | Coping with Brinker-Quixote Syndrome
The New York Time's recent obituary for Rev. William R. Callahan stated that the death had been announced by the Quixote Center. That was the first this columnist had ever heard of that group and we wondered if, in this age of ubiquitous awards ceremonies, they hand out kudos and statuettes annually to people who attempt the impossible. Everyone knows ...
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Posted Jul 21 2010 - 2:49pm

Border Jumpers | Makutano Junction Soap Opera
The last place most of us look to for useful information is television soap operas. But Makutano Junction, a Kenyan-produced soap opera set in the fictional town of the same name is not your average TV drama. Broadcast in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and throughout English-speaking Africa on ...
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Posted Jul 21 2010 - 11:52am

Robert Becker | Palin's 'Living Language' Gaffe Fells Fundamentalism
If Palin were aware of the world outside her head, she'd have quit on "refudiate" before committing a more serious theological blunder. Unless attention and celebrity solely define your notion of brassy cleverness or career advancement. There's something to be said, aside from "you can't fix stupid," about marching backwards but never retreating. It's...
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Posted Jul 21 2010 - 10:53am

Marty Kaplan | Breitbart's Site Has Video of Kagan Saying She's a Commie
Should Rahm text her to withdraw her nomination? Everything about the Shirley Sherrod story stinks. Did the White House ask her to resign her USDA job because they thought a video on Breitbart's site -- making it appear she was biased against whites -- actually counts as real evidence? Haven't they heard about dirty tricks? Or is a right wing smear job ...
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Posted Jul 21 2010 - 10:49am

Brent Budowsky | The lynching of Shirley Sherrod
It is wrong when an entire Tea Party movement is smeared with the false charge of racism. It is wrong when Shirley Sherrod is smeared by a right-wing media that distorts the truth and tries to destroy this woman through character assassination. It is wrong when the president of the United States and the secretary of Agriculture cower in fear of righ-wing ...
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Posted Jul 21 2010 - 10:43am

David Sirota | Elizabeth Warren and the Definition of 'Controversial'
Over the last few days, Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner have made the case that Harvard professor and Congressional Oversight Panel chairwoman Elizabeth Warren is too controversial a figure to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Agency. This, then, raises the revealing question of how Washington defines "controversia.l"..
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Posted Jul 21 2010 - 10:33am

Charles M. Young | In the Church of the Reverend Gary Davis, Ernie Hawkins Is St. Peter
So here we are in the eighth term of the Reagan administration, in the middle of a heat wave, in the middle of the hottest year on record, in the middle of a likely mass extinction event. It's not quite time to say good-bye to your friends and family. It would be time to have a general strike, except nobody's doing anything, so it's hard to get jazzed ...
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Posted Jul 21 2010 - 10:24am

Robert Parry | The Right's Power of Infrastructure
Dwight Eisenhower, after commanding Allied forces in World War II and serving eight years as U.S. President, came to appreciate the power of political and economic infrastructure, leading to his famous warning about the threat to the American Republic from a "military-industrial complex." Yet, in the years since Eisenhower's Farewell ...
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Posted Jul 21 2010 - 10:19am

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